I recently shared this reel about how you can help your students to prioritize and complete missing assignments with these fun fast finisher activities!
How I use this in my classroom:
On my whiteboard, I write down the assignments I would like students to finish.
1. Must-Do Assignments (Mustard Bottle)
2. Catch Up on Work (Ketchup Bottle)
3. Pick One Extension Activity (Pickle)
4. May Do (Mayo Jar)
Must-Do assignments are the work that needs to be completed during that day or class period. If students do not finish an assignment in class they put it in their "Ketchup" folder (folder cover included in this product.) If they turn in an incomplete assignment, I staple a "Ketchup Packet" on the assignment to let the student know they need to complete it before they choose a pickle or mayo activity.
I have a special basket in my room with file folders called the Pickle Basket. In each of these folders, there is a fun extension activity. (Usually freebies I find on TPT.) The students know when they have completed their Must Do and Catch Up work, they can choose something from the Pickle Basket. The May Do activities usually included silent reading or coloring.

Here is what reviewers are saying:
"This was everything I didn’t know I needed! I was going to flip my lid if I had to explain the May Do/Must Do concept one more time and direct students to the Google Slide displayed on the SmartBoard. I printed each sign on different colored paper for enhanced visual discrimination. I still have some students that are struggling, but not nearly as many as before." - Latoya
"My students loved these visuals and it has helped me provide a non-verbal way of giving them the next steps. If they come to interrupt a reading or math group I can guide them back to the board instead of wasting time from my group." -KT's Classroom
"I absolutely love this classroom management resource! It is a great visual for students to see what they need to be doing and what to do when they are done. It has helped cut back on the number of questions I get when students complete an assignment. I love this!" -Haley
"This has to be my most favourite classroom management strategy. My kids love it! Everyone who comes into my classroom comments on it and I have to say it's not my idea! I love the puns. It's cute, it's clever, it works! Thank you!" -Cindy
"This is a great way to organize student tasks. Love the folder idea for Catch up work. Now everything is in one area and students can just grab their folder and get to work. No time wasted." -Paddy
"OH my word!! This has been a life-changer in my classroom. Not only does it make my teacher life easier, but my kids love it!! They always remind me to make sure to do the MUST-do and the MAY-do before we go into independent work or small groups. Thank you for creating a fun and engaging way to keep my kids on task! This is amazing!" -YeeHaw in Kindergarten
View the other 84 reviews here! If you download this product and leave a review, you earn TPT credits to put towards other resources!