The keep calm and carry on trend was very popular circa 2012. Recently I discovered that this saying originated as a wartime slogan in Britain in the year 1939. It's the first thing that pops into my head when I hear the word, "mindfulness" and I believe it's pretty fitting for a group of students who are at war with a myriad of social, academic, and emotional struggles.
I posted this reel with a grounding technique I learned that has helped with my anxiety. The response was overwhelming. It has been so fun for me to receive DMs from parents who have used this technique with their children and rave about it.

I thought it would be great for teachers to have posters with these techniques in their classrooms. Our students spend a lot of time looking at the walls in our classroom. i was taught that everything on them should have a purpose.
You can purchase these mindfulness posters in 3 different color schemes on TPT here.
Check out my Pinterest board for more mental health tips (for adults and children.)