One of my favorite ways to teach real life skills to my elementary schoolers is by giving them a classroom job! At my school, students are actually "paid" for doing their jobs with classroom money to spend at the school store. I recently shared this product to my social media accounts and loved hearing your responses! Here is how I introduce these jobs to my kiddos.
First, I use the classroom job descriptions and tell my class about each of the jobs.
While I am doing this, my students fill out this classroom job application. We talk about skills that would be needed to accomplish each job. (For example, I could be the classroom secretary because I have neat handwriting, I could be the paramedic because I like helping people when they are hurt, or I could be the break director because I want to teach the class how to play Simon Says.)
Next, I read the applications and assign jobs to my students. We have a discussion about not being disappointed if we don't get our first choice and I assure them that everyone will get a chance to do every job throughout the year. They get to do a job they applied for during the second week of school, after that, I assign the jobs in class number order to save my sanity!
When the students come to school on Monday, they get a card saying that they are hired for the job with the job description on the card. I laminate the cards and velcro them to the students' desks so they can look at the job description if they forget how to do their job that week.
Certain jobs come with fun extensions that are included in this product. These are:
An IT badge, a press pass for the class photographer, paramedic supplies label for the drawer I keep my bandaids in, break director badge, special delivery badge for the messenger, lost and found a label for the pencil lookout.
Extensions not included in this product that are available for purchase on my TPT store:
Recycling poster for the clean up crew, custodian, and head janitor
If you have any questions about how I implement this product, watch this video or feel free to message me!
The job chart I use is from Confetti and Creativity! Purchase it here!
