Classroom management is TOUGH. My first year of teaching, I tried all the things. Tickets, marbles, candy, etc. I had a mentor teacher that was constantly telling me I needed to switch things up. In the end, none of those things were effective because I wasn't consistent. I had to create a system that would work for my kids! Each Behavior Buddy comes with its own set of expectations. Students who follow these expectations get to have an animal on their desk for the day. The kids never know who will be chosen, so they always need to be following the rules! My students are very motivated by these special friends and I know yours will be too!
Meet the Behavior Buddies
Artistic Alligator

Cheerful Cheetah

Effort Elephant

Friendly Flamingo

Generous Giraffe

Growth Mindset Gorilla

Happy Hippo

Caring Koala

Kind Kangaroo

Learning Lion

Masterful Monkey

Positive Panda

Patient Parrot

Perky Penguin

Punctual Polar Bear

Respectful Rhino

Successful Sloth

Teamwork Tiger

Fearless Frog

Top-Notch Toucan

Working Walrus

Zippy Zebra

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