This is a phrase I saw on my Pinterest boards, instagram feeds, and podcasts I listened to this week. I needed the reminder because I felt totally and completely burnt out.

I don't have any advice on how to make that feeling go completely away (but if anyone figures out the secret, please let me know!!) But here are some things I did to help:
I reminded myself that the burn out came because I was putting 110% into teaching and it was totally okay that I needed to take a break.
I added barre, kickboxing, and yoga YouTube videos to my workout routine instead of just hitting the treadmill.
I found a creative outlet that brought me a lot of joy.
I focused on making just one lesson really fun and entertaining for my students each day. The rest were mediocre, but we hit all of the standards we need to.
I turned on the Breathe feature on my Apple Watch while the kids were at recess so they came back to a more relaxed teacher
I asked my students to help pass out papers and to help with other odd jobs around the classroom (after they sanitized their hands.) They loved helping and I loved having the help.
I turned my phone off when I needed space and time away from distractions.
I unfollowed accounts that were making me feel "less than" on social media.
I cleared the junk emails out my inbox because it made me feel a little more productive.
I used one of my prep times to go to a talent show my students were having in their music specialty.
I went outside and played 4 square with my students during their recess instead of stressing about what we were going to do next.
I talked to people I love. I asked them what was going on in their lives and vented to my parents.
I took a nap when I couldn't keep my eyes open after coming home from work.
I gave myself permission to watch a TV show without multitasking.
I hope these things sparked some ideas in ways that you can take care of yourself during a burnout period. Just remember that they don't last forever and take time for yourself! You have earned it!
Until next time, friend.
