I still get nervous butterflies thinking back to last summer when I was preparing for my dream job as an elementary teacher! Someone on the First Year Teachers Facebook Group shared this meme and it totally was how I felt! Equal parts nervous and excited about my next adventure.
So if you're in the same boat and looking for some advice, I've got you covered! Here are the best pieces of advice I received when I began my journey as a first year teacher.
Beginning of the Year
"Pretend you are an under-paid actress."
"One thing, one moment, one breath, one step at a time."
"You can always loosen up, but it's hard to get tough after being laid back."
"You were hired because you are READY!"
"Don't be afraid to ask for help!"
"Know you might try a procedure, you might not like it, and have to revamp it. That's OKAY! Know you might cry, that's OKAY!"
"Be very consistent, down to where you stand."
"Don't let your first year define you as a teacher. Expect to make mistakes. Own mistakes. Apologize if needed. Don't let mistakes define you."
"Start firm on day one or you will never have control. It is very hard to get that back."
"Have a list of consequences ready before the first day so you know how to respond to undesirable behavior."
"Your first year is about learning your teaching style, procedure, and organizational preferences. Don't put too much pressure on yourself."
"No one expects you to be an expert on day one."
"What's ahead will not be perfect, but the journey will be worth it."
"Teach them how to think, not what to think."
"Remember you have a career because of who is sitting in front of you. It's all about them."
"Focus on forming meaningful relationships with your students."
"Model respect, even when they don't deserve it."
"Give kids the benefit of the doubt."
" Be prepared for some heartache when it comes to students. Keep your sense of humor. Know your limits."
"Be a real person, but not their BFF."
"Relationships are most important."
"Go with your gut. Don't be afraid to make real decisions about your classroom and what happens there."
"Be you! You're human, kids love that!"
"Classroom management is not what you say, it's what you allow."
"Teachers don't 'give,' students earn."
"Follow through with what you say you are going to do."
"Don't play favorites."
"Give busy kids extra love! Create a bond with them so they trust you. Know what sets them off so you both have a great year."
After-School Hours
"You don't have to grade everything you assign. Know when to read it all, when to skim, and what File 13 is for."
"Limit your time at work and taking work home. You will never get everything done. Choose what's most important and go from there."
"Think smarter, not harder! It's okay to smiley face some things and participation points are okay every now and then!"
"It will be there tomorrow."
"Take time to take pictures and notes on what you do. The years will go by fast and you will want to remember!"
"Enjoy your time off. Don't work on breaks unless it's something you are passionate about."
"Address emails and messages quickly!"
"Spend time taking care of you, you can't pour from an empty cup!"
On the Hard Days
"Be kind and forgiving to yourself. It's okay if you're not perfect. Just remind yourself you are doing your very best."
"Stay home when sick and send sick kids home."
"Try not to take things personally."
"You teach people/students how to treat you. Give yourself time and grace to mess up and try again. Teaching is an art and you will never truly 'arrive.'"
"Remember they are just kids. Some of them need you there everyday because you are the only constant in their lives."
"It's okay to cry. It's okay to struggle. You are a great teacher. You are qualified. You have a gift and you are talented."
"Don't ever let anyone make you feel less than awesome."
"Enjoy your students! Remember to take care of yourself."
"Learn to let things go!"
"Every mistake is an opportunity to learn and get better."
"It is okay to cry when you need to cry."
"Don't let what one class did ruin your whole day."
"You are doing great. You will get better. You are enough."
"There will be tough times, remember why you started."
" Try to stay focused on the big picture. Don't let tiny details overwhelm you."
"It gets easier each year."
"It is up to you to make connections in your school and school district. Start with the secretaries and custodians. Know their names and say hello!"
"Be good to the office and cleaning staff. Have a supply of GOOD chocolate ready."
"Remember you are the newbie, don't overstep."
"Make a big list of questions and ask until you find the staff member with the right answers."
"Get out of your classroom on break/lunch."
"Do NOT let people walk all over you because you are young and inexperienced."
"Don't let the discouragement of others bring you down."
"Learn to say no. Don't feel like you have to do it all."
"Become friendly with the secretaries and janitor. Treat them with immense respect. They can make or break your career."
"Don't engage in gossip or hang out with those who do."
Good to Remember
"There is not a prize or trophy for being the first car or the last car in the parking lot. It is totally okay to leave when your contract time is up."
"Don't take meanness personally, but do take kindness personally."
"Don't be hard on yourself. Don't listen to those who expect you to have the same skills as a multi-year teacher."
"Document everything."
" Encourage a mentor teacher to give you all the gentle advice they need and take note."
"Be prepared to get sick."
"Kids learn best from an authentic person that loves them. Just have fun!"
"Be ready for constant change."
"Know what your students are good at and what they are not."
"Be aware that kids have a huge focus on what is fair."
"Find joy in the normal."
"Confidence is key. Get out of your comfort zone!"
"It is okay to be wrong and mess up. I have always learned more from being wrong than being right."
"Things will come up that you are not prepared for and that's okay."
"Use your personal days!"
"Don't worry about having a Pinterest perfect classroom! Focus on the standards!"
"Make sure to record memorable moments!"
I hope you found some things that resonate with you! You are going to have a great year, my friend!
