The Desk Pets classroom management tool for teachers is perfect for helping keep your students engaged and on track! This resource can be used as a printable and as a simple reward for positive behavior reinforcement. This bundle is a complete positive behavior management incentive program. There are 12 adorable desk pets your students can earn by meeting classroom expectations.
This bundle includes everything you need to start a successful classroom management system! There are posters to hang in the classroom so that students know exactly what expectations they need to meet to earn desk pet classroom rewards.
The desk pets include: Positive Puppy, Kindness Kitten, Brilliant Bunny, Friendship Fish, Helpful Hamster, Motivated Mouse, Teamwork Tortoise, Creative Cockatoo, Dedicated Dog, Participation Python/Puppy, and Gleeful Guinea Pig.
Before you set up the system, I have given you a complete guide to help you implement a positive behavior management incentive program. You can download the FREEBIE here!
Teachers can choose how students are awarded with desk pets! There are posters, coloring pages, and cut and paste scenes. Students can visit the "Desk Pet Shop" and also go home with an award certificate.
The complete bundle comes with more resources than you need so you can make the system your OWN! There are two ways for students to keep track of the progress they have made towards earning their desk pets.
Bookmarks can be colored in each time and expectation is made or tracking sheets can be stamped when the teacher sees an example of positive behavior in the classroom.
The bundle includes a consequence poster and think sheets to reinforce positive behavior and correct negative habits. There are also exit tickets for students to fill out to assess their own behavior.

Celebrate students who go the extra mile with pet habitats and food! Students can also earn "responsible pet owner badges."
Desk Pets have been designed with teachers in mind and will make your classroom a happy, positive place! Your students will love earning these adorable pets!